My Wild Life - Ainsley Dwyer
Ainsley is doing a Wild Paths placement with Avon Wildlife Trust – a nine-month training programme which gives people from diverse backgrounds a chance to gain skills and access a career in…
Ainsley is doing a Wild Paths placement with Avon Wildlife Trust – a nine-month training programme which gives people from diverse backgrounds a chance to gain skills and access a career in…
Georgia is Supporter Care Manager at Avon Wildlife Trust, working to connect members and supporters with nature from home, as well as making sure your kind donations are making a difference to…
Roy Kareem is one of the Black and Green Ambassadors for 2021. This is his wildlife journey.
Jane is the Quality Manager at Sutton in Ashfield based business nmcn one of the Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust’s Business partners. She has kindly shared with us her inspiring wild life story.…
Working full time in a windowless room cut Sonja off from the natural world around her; but spending time in wild places has helped her to discover herself since a shock diagnosis two years ago.…
As I write this blog at the end of the Wellbeing with Nature Project, it is nice to have the opportunity to reflect on the past four incredible years. The Wellbeing with Nature Project was set up…
Our Wellbeing with Nature project as we know it is coming to an end, having inspired many to learn new skills, build confidence and lead healthier lives through experiencing nature and being…
Our Wellbeing with Nature project has inspired many to learn new skills, build confidence and lead healthier lives through experiencing nature and being outdoors. Our Wellbeing with Nature Project…
An inconspicuous tree for much of the year, the Wild service tree comes to life in spring, when it displays pretty, white blossom, and autumn, when its Maple-like leaves turn bright crimson.
The Government has bowed to pressure from the National Farmers Union and agreed to authorise the use of the highly damaging neonicotinoid thiamethoxam for the treatment of sugar beet seed in 2021…
Ponds and water are a focal point in most outdoor spaces, an attractive and beneficial feature that has the gift of life and will quickly become home for many different species of wildlife.
The mass of white, frothy blossom on a wild cherry is a sight to behold. Planted as an ornamental tree, it also grows wild in woods and hedges. Its red fruits are the edible cherries we know and…